The primary aim of the EU is to ‘promote peace, its values and the well-being of its citizens’

  • Peace means not only the lack of violent conflicts, but also the presence of justice and equity, as well as respect for human rights and for the Earth.

    Peace involves both internal and external processes.

    Internal peace is a natural result when toxic states that infect the mind have been calmed. The states of mind that sabotage peace are not only hatred, prejudice, and greed but also, for example, restlessness, anxiety, boredom and depression.

    External peace is a natural result of inner peace and grows when we treat others with mutual respect.

  • We each find peace in our very own mind. This happens when:

    • we settle, and sustain, our attention on something simple - like breathing

    • we allow thoughts and emotions to appear, but don’t ‘buy in’ to their stories

    • we deliberately strengthen positive states of mind, like love and heart-felt connection

  • Inner Peace is not only the absence of hatred and other toxic states of mind. There are three major signs that you are experiencing peace:

    • Relaxation - your mind is at ease; you are not over-thinking

    • Balance - your mind is stable; you are able to focus on one thing at a time

    • Clarity - your mind is bright, even brilliant; you have vigilance and are able to catch potential problems early

    One major sign of Outer Peace is that we really listen to each other. An effective path to Outer Peace is to establish a culture of listening.

  • Peace is contagious. We communicate peace through embodiment, and we inspire colleagues with our presence. Growing a project with minimum risk and maximum benefit requires courage and skill. Establishing a group with colleagues is essential. And approaching senior management requires careful reflection.

    Every school has a unique set of circumstances. With the support of Teach Peace trainers, you and your colleagues will find a way to make peace happen across the school.

Teach Peace students practise mindful breathing
Teach Peace students cultivate healthy relationships